Thursday, September 2, 2010

Celebrities I'd Like to Punch In the Face

I really believe for all of us, there are certain celebrities, who for whatever reason (be it your own personal quirks, or the celebrity in question just sucks) you just want to punch in the face. They come on the screen and immediately you feel like hitting something, or hitting them.

Lately I've been quite irked because there's been way too much Leah Michele on TV. I cannot stand that girl, and because of the Emmys, and because her show is about to come back on the air, this girl is everywhere and I wish she weren't. This is basically what got me thinking about this list. If I gave it more thought, it would probably be longer, but off the top of my head, these are some women who cause impassioned and angry rants every time I see their face.

Leah Michele:
I've never watched an episode of Glee nor do I intend to. Maybe if I did I would "get" this girl. I understand she's supposed to have a great voice and I'm not arguing it, I just don't care. Her face bothers me. Something about her mouth absolutely irritates me. I think it's that overbite and those teeth! I just want to punch her mouth. Whether true or not (and I tend to believe it is true) I read a lot about her being quite the diva, and that just adds to my dislike. Please.

Renee Zellweger:
Well. What can I say about this one? There were about five minutes back in the time of Jerry Maguire where I thought she was cute and lovely, but like I say, that lasted about five minutes. I remember seeing her in an interview (maybe it was with Barbara Walters) and the way she spoke, all breathy and soft seemed so fake and put on, it made me want to scream. Then she just got worse. Always showing up to events looking like she's trying too hard, posing over the top. And honestly? Her face is effed up. It's all squished (for lack of a better word. She's also always doing something with her mouth that irks me. It's that little pouty thing. She does it all the time. Very annoying.  She's got a good figure but her body grosses me out. And still, she shows up to things posing as though she's the hottest thing there but often just looking ridiculous. It's annoying. Really, really annoying. Renee Zellweger: Sit down!

The Mouth thing.
Up close.

Miley Cyrus:
I'm now starting to think maybe I just have a problem with mouths?? Here's another one. My problem with her is not just her mouth though it does annoy the hell out me. What really makes me want to stab my eye with a dull pencil is her voice and the way she talks. I don't know that I've ever heard an entire Miley Cyrus song, so I can't speak to her singing voice, but her speaking voice makes my ears bleed. Awful. Nails on a chalkboard would be soothing compared to listening to her speak.

Mariah Carey:
She's just ridiculous. Everything about this woman is ridiculous. I see her show up to awards shows in tight-ass dresses with her boobs up to her chin, in shoes she can't walk in, speaking in her affected tone,  and it's all I can do not to throw my shoe at the TV. I. Cannot. Stand. Her.

Lindsay Lohan:
Everything about this girl, I am sick of. Her family, her problems, her ugly botoxed face, her bad hair extensions. Everything. I don't care if she's "talented". There are plenty more out there who are talented and don't have all the baggage she comes with. Let's move on! She needs to grow up, stop blaming everyone else for her problems and get her shit together. It would have been nice if she'd been incarcerated for a couple of years. We could have used the break.